Guessing the meaning of a new idiom or riddle every week. You will be able to get one positive mark.
Only for 3º and 4º level)
(2nd week)
Long and thin, red within,. With a nail at the end. What am I?? A finger (Silvia got it, 4º)
(Before March, 13th)
(1st week)
Born in the ocean, white as snow, I’m hidden in water, What am I? Salt (Eva got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What fruit has seeds on the outside? Strawberry (Paola got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
You are in a room with 3 monkeys. One monkey has a banana, one has a stick, and one has nothing. Who is the smartest primate? You (David got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What can you hear but not touch or see and yet control? Your voice(Isabel got it, 4º)
(5th week)
What teaches without talking? A book (Silvia got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What is the shortest month? (only has 3 letters) May (Noah got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
(3rd week)
What has teeth but can't bite? A comb (Eva. got it, 4º)
See you after Christmas!!
I have no wings but I fly, I have no teeth but I bite. What am I? A bullet (Isabel got it, 4º)
(4th week)
what has a head and a tail, but no body? (Not an snake). A coin (Pablo M. got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What is in front of a woman and at the back of a cow? letter "W" (Álvaro D. got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I am lighter than air but a million men cannot lift me up, What am I? A bubble (Claudia got it, 4º)
(Before November, 15th)
(1st week)
What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper (Silvia got it, 4º)
(4th week)
i fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I? A cloud (Ismael got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Footsteps (Isabel got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I? A reflection (Eva. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
What kind of coat can be put on only when wet? A coat of paint (Álvaro J. got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
What part of the Turkey has the most feathers? The outside (Marta got it, 4º)
(Before June, 14th)
(1st week)
If 5 cats can catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how many cats do you need to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes? 5 cats (Alex got it, 4º)
(Before June, 7th)
(5th week)
(4th week)
I am not a holiday. I belong in the month of December, but not in any other month. What am I? Letter "d" (Isabel got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What can you fill a room with that takes up no space? Light (Noah. got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
(2nd week)
A boy has 367 apples. You take away 34. How many apples do you have? 34 (Noemí. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
How many days are there in 4 years? 1461, because one of the years is a leap year (Eva. got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
Captain Ali is the captain of the ship. The captain of the ship is Captain Ali. What is the name of the ship. What (Pablo G. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
I don't speak, cannot hear, but I will always tell the truth. What am I? A mirror (Mª Elena got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
Which alphabet is most curious? "Y" (Silvia got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
You go at red and stop at green. What am I? "A Watermelon" (Estela got it, 4º)
(1st week)
I am at the end of the rainbow. What am I? "W" (Alejandra got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What has four legs, but can't walk? A table (Paula got it, 4º)(2nd week)
What city has no people? Electricity (Estela got it, 4º)
(1st week)
What makes you, young? -ng (Claudia got it, 3º)
(5th week)
I can breathe but never talk, I can run but never walk, I can be picked but never be chosen. What am I? a nose (Isabel got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What month do alll soldiers hate? March (María Z. got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
In what month of the year do people eat the least amount of food? February (Marta got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
How many faces can you see? 10 (Nerea got it, 4º)
What do elves learn in school? The Elf-abet (Daniela R. got it, 3º)
(5th week)
I do not have any special powers, but I can predict the score of any football match before begins. How can I do it? 0-0 (All matches start with that score) (Noah got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times? 202, 202, 202, 202 (Christian got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
How many times can you substract 5 from 25? Once (Alejandra got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
Who was the the most famous Skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones I do not have any special powers, but I can predict the score of any football match before begins. How can I do it? 0-0 (All matches start with that score) (Noah got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times? 202, 202, 202, 202 (Christian got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
How many times can you substract 5 from 25? Once (Alejandra got it, 4º)
(2nd week)

(Isabel got it, 3º)
(4th week)
I know a number which is spelled in an alphabetical order. Do you? Forty (Amancio got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?
Short (Daniela got it, 3º)
I know a number which is spelled in an alphabetical order. Do you? Forty (Amancio got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?
Short (Daniela got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
If two is company and three is a crowd, what are four and five? 9
(Alejandra. got it, 4º)
(Alejandra. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
Monkeys love me, people eat me, on top of ice cream too you'll find me. What am I? A banana (Álvaro D. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What kind of table is good for you to eat? Vegetables (Alejandro got it, 4º)
September(4th week)
On which day of the year do fewest people die? February, 29th (Manuel R. got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What is the next letter in this sequence: JFMAMJJASON...? "D" (December) (Virginia A. got it, 3º)
(2nd-3rd week)
What has four legs and one foot? A bed (Miriam got it, 3º)
(4th week)
How do you spell candy in 2 letters ? "C" and "Y" (Pablo got it, 3º)
(1st week)
When is it bad luck to see a black cat? When you are a mouse (Antonio P. got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
6 = 12, 3 = 6, but 5 does not = 10, how come? Because 10 has three letters (Raúl. got it, 4º)
What are moving left to right, right now? Your eyes (Alejandra. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
When I take five and add six, I get eleven, but when I take six and add seven, I get one. What am I? A clock (Mª Elena. got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What is broken if you can’t break it? A piñata (Nerea got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What do you call an old snowman? Water (Isabel P. got it, 3º)(2nd week)
What comes down but never goes up? The rain (Christian got it, 3º)
(3rd Week)
I am always in front of you but yet i am never here.- What am I?
The future (Alejandra. got it, 3º)
(4th Week)
What do tigers have that no other animals have? Baby Tigers (Jesús M. got it, 4º)
(1st Week)
20+20+20=60. How can you make 60 again by using the same number 3 times, but it can’t be 20? 55+5 (Virginia P. got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
You go at red and stop at green. What am I? A watermelon (Floren got it, 4º)
(3th week)
(4th Week)
What are four days of the week that begin with the letter “T”? Today, Tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday (María got it, 3º)
What are four days of the week that begin with the letter “T”? Today, Tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday (María got it, 3º)
Andalusia Bank Holiday!!
(1st Week)
What ends everything always? Letter "g" (Jesús Manuel got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
When does yesterday come after today? In the dictionary (Alejandro it, 3º)
(3th week)
What is the Easter bunny's favourite kind of music? Hip-Hop (Alejandra it, 3º)
See you in two weeks!!
Happy Easter!!
What is the Easter bunny's favourite kind of music? Hip-Hop (Alejandra it, 3º)
See you in two weeks!!
Happy Easter!!
(1st Week)
How can a man go eight days without sleep? He sleeps at night (Luis Jesús got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
You buy it to eat, but you don’t eat it. What is it? A plate, fork, spoon, knife, dining table, etc. (Pablo G. got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
A cat has three kittens: Mopsy, Topsy and Spot. What is the mother’s name. What (Ainara. got it, 3º)
If a cat can jump 5 metres high, then why can't it jump through a window that is 3 metres high? Because the window is closed (Christian M. got it, 3º)
See you after this bank holiday
(2nd week)
I am needed in life but not in death. You can’t have fun without me. What am I? Letter "F" (Isabel got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
How do you spell mousetrap? A C-A-T (Adam got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order? Letter "q" (Christian A,. got it, 3º)
(1st Week)
What is something you will never see again? Yesterday (Estela got it, 3º)September
(4th week)
If you take two apples from three apples, how many apples have you got? Two (Rubén got it, 3º)
(5th week)
What is at the end of rainbow? Letter "w" (Víctor got it, 4º)
(1st week)
I am pink and I have a curly. I am fat. What am I? A pig (Fco. Javier Catena got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
Which letter is not me? letter "U" (Ismael got it, 3º)
I am pink and I have a curly. I am fat. What am I? A pig (Fco. Javier Catena got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
Which letter is not me? letter "U" (Ismael got it, 3º)
(3th week)
What is the most colorful state of USA? Colorado (Santiago got it, 3º)
(4th week)
Why does Mickey go to the space? To find Pluto (Jesús Manuel got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
I eat insects. I live in the pond, I hop, I am green. Who am I? A frog (Antonio P. got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
How do you call a bear without ears? BBBB (Alba got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What has six faces and twenty-one eyes? A dice (Pedro got it, 4º)
(5th week)
It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it? Beetle (Raúl got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
(2nd week)
A seven letter word containing thousands of letters. What is it? A mailbox (Paola got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
A seven letter word containing thousands of letters. What is it? A mailbox (Paola got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What falls but doesn't break, and what breaks but doesn't fall? Night and Day (Antonio P. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
How do you walk through walls? Using the doors (Julio. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
What does the big tomato say to the small tomato? Ketch..up!
(Sofía got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? He has got 5 children (Antonio P got it, 3º)
(3er week)
What body part is pronounced as one letter but written with three, only two different letters are used? Eye (Adrián got it, 3º)
(4th week)
You will always find me in the past.
I can be created in the present,
But the future can never taint me.
What am I? History (Daniela got it it, 3º)
(1st week)
Which animal can jump higher than a building? All animals can jump (Jimena got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I go in hard. I come out soft. You blow me hard. What am I? Gum
(Marín got it, 4º)
I go in hard. I come out soft. You blow me hard. What am I? Gum
(Marín got it, 4º)
(3er week)
Where is in the ocean the deepest? On the bottom (Juan Miguel got it, 4º)
(4th week)
Which tune can you not sing? Fortune (Ismael got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? A penny (Daniela got it, 3º)
See you after Easter
(3rd week)
A kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm (Angel got it, 3º)
A kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm (Angel got it, 3º)
(4th week)
Which word contains 26 letters but only three syllables? Alphabet
(Lucas got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
Which Sometimes I am light, sometimes I am dark. Most people like me. What am I? Chocolate (Pablo C. got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What has a tongue but does not eat or speak? A shoe (Víctor got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What colour can you eat? An orange (Paola got it, 4º)
(1st week)
What is the sun’s favorite day of the week? Sunday (Jesús M, got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What does everyone know how to open but not how to close? An egg
(Antonio P., got it, 3º)
(Last week of this course)
What do you find in the middle of Paris? Letter "r" (María P. got it, 4º)
(Before next June, 16th)
(3er week)
What can run but can't walk? A drop of water (José Miguel got it, 4º)
(4th week)
You are my brother but I am not your brother. Who am I?
(4th week)
You are my brother but I am not your brother. Who am I?
I am your sister (Bernardo got it, 3º)
(Alejandro. got it, 4º).
(2nd week)
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? The letter "c" (Juan got it, 3º).
(3rd week)
Which letter is always trying to find reasons? The letter "y"
(Paquito. got it, 4º).
(4th week)
I am the son of water but when I return to water, I die. Who am I? The Ice (Rocío got it, 3º).
(Halloween week)
What room is useless for a ghost? A livingroom (Alba got it, 3º).
(2nd week)
What can you serve, but never eat? A tennis ball (Francisco J. C. got it, 3º).
(3rd week)
I have a ring but no fingers. What am I? A telephone (Sofía got it, 3º).
(4th week)
People buy me to eat, but never eat me, what am I? A plate (Toni got it, 3º).
(1st week)
What is the difference between here and there? The letter "t" (Alejandro. got it, 4º).
(2nd week)
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? The letter "c" (Juan got it, 3º).
(3rd week)
Which letter is always trying to find reasons? The letter "y"
(Paquito. got it, 4º).
(4th week)
I am the son of water but when I return to water, I die. Who am I? The Ice (Rocío got it, 3º).
(Halloween week)
What room is useless for a ghost? A livingroom (Alba got it, 3º).
(2nd week)
What can you serve, but never eat? A tennis ball (Francisco J. C. got it, 3º).
(3rd week)
I have a ring but no fingers. What am I? A telephone (Sofía got it, 3º).
(4th week)
People buy me to eat, but never eat me, what am I? A plate (Toni got it, 3º).
(1st week)
How many times can you subtract 10 from 100? 1 (Paola got it, 3º).
(2nd and 3rd week)
Always old, sometimes new. Never sad, sometimes blue. Never empty, sometimes full. What am I? The moon (Víctor got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
I begins with a T. I end with a T and mostly I am full of T. What Am I? A Teapot (Julio got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What has teeth but can't bite? A comb (Pablo got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What demands an answer, but no question? A telephone (Juan Antonio. got it, 3º)
Two football teams play a match. One team wins but no man touched ball. How can that be? They are women (Julia got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I don't have wings, but I can fly. I don't have eyes, but I can cry. What am I? A cloud (Jimena got it, 3º).
Happy Easter
(2nd week)
I begins with a T. I end with a T and mostly I am full of T. What Am I? A Teapot (Julio got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What has teeth but can't bite? A comb (Pablo got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What demands an answer, but no question? A telephone (Juan Antonio. got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times? 303, 303, 303, 303, 303 (Julia got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I can sometimes be light brown or white. I have yellow stuff inside me. I am a protein. An egg (Ramón got it, 3º)
What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times? 303, 303, 303, 303, 303 (Julia got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I can sometimes be light brown or white. I have yellow stuff inside me. I am a protein. An egg (Ramón got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What kind of room has no windows or doors? A mushroom (Manuel R. got it, 3º)
(4th week)What kind of room has no windows or doors? A mushroom (Manuel R. got it, 3º)
Two football teams play a match. One team wins but no man touched ball. How can that be? They are women (Julia got it, 4º)
(1st week)
What always goes to sleep with his shoes on? A horse (Lucía got it, 4º).(2nd week)
I don't have wings, but I can fly. I don't have eyes, but I can cry. What am I? A cloud (Jimena got it, 3º).
Happy Easter
(1st week)
I always come but never arrive. What Am I ? Tomorrow (Alejandro got it, 4º).
(2nd week)
I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I? A Kangaroo (Fco javier C. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
When I was invented, you can look through the walls. What am I? A Window (Levi got it, 4º)
(5th week)
What do people make that you can't see? Noise (Fco. Javier got it, 3º).
(1st week)
What is red but smells like blue paint? Red paint (Marín got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
There is a basket of 5 carrots. If you take away 3 carrots, how many carrots do you have? 3 Carrots (Víctor got it, 3º)
(1st week)
Where do the songbirds go on vacation? The Canary Islands (Ismael got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What do you fill with empty hands? A glove (Yolanda got it, 4º)
(3rd week) Last Week this course!!
What is the word that is spelled incorrectly in all dictionaries? Incorrectly (Pablo got it, 3º)
The winner... 17th, June !!
(1st week)
I always come but never arrive. What Am I ? Tomorrow (Alejandro got it, 4º).
(2nd week)
I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I? A Kangaroo (Fco javier C. got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
I turn everything around, but I cannot move. When you see me you see you! What am I? A Mirrow (Jimena got it, 3º).(4th week)
When I was invented, you can look through the walls. What am I? A Window (Levi got it, 4º)
(5th week)
What do people make that you can't see? Noise (Fco. Javier got it, 3º).
(1st week)
What is red but smells like blue paint? Red paint (Marín got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
There is a basket of 5 carrots. If you take away 3 carrots, how many carrots do you have? 3 Carrots (Víctor got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
what does up and down without moving? The stairs (Víctor got it, 3º)
what does up and down without moving? The stairs (Víctor got it, 3º)
(1st week)
Where do the songbirds go on vacation? The Canary Islands (Ismael got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What do you fill with empty hands? A glove (Yolanda got it, 4º)
(3rd week) Last Week this course!!
What is the word that is spelled incorrectly in all dictionaries? Incorrectly (Pablo got it, 3º)
The winner... 17th, June !!
(2nd week)
It is around for millions of years, but it 's no more than a month old. What is it? The moon (Margarita G. got it, 4º)
It is around for millions of years, but it 's no more than a month old. What is it? The moon (Margarita G. got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
I am thin, tall and I cannot walk but I am the first and I have a tilted head Who am I? Number 1 (Julia G. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What has a neck but no head?
What has a neck but no head?
It is a bottle (Paula P. got it, 3º)
(1st week)
Violet, indigo, blue and green, yellow,
orange and red; these are the colors you have seen after the storm
has gone. Wht is it? The Rainbow (Elena 4ºgot it)
(2nd week)
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? Your name (Ainara 4ºgot it)
(3rd week)
Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? The fire (Natalia got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? The fire (Natalia got it, 3º)
(4th week) Halloween
What animal is best at baseball? A bat (Alicia got it 3º)
(1st week)
I start with the letter "e" and end with the letter "e" and i usually contain 1 letter, but I am not the letter "e"! What Am I? An envelope (Maria P. got it, 3º)
(2nd Week)
I have rivers, but don’t have water. I have forests, but no trees and animals. I have cities, but no people live in those cities. What am I? A map (Cristina got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? A Stamp (Raquel. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What month has 28 days? All months (Lucía got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What has one eye but can't see? An needle (Sergio got it, 4ª)
(2nd week)
I give milk and have a horn but I’m not a cow? Who am I? A milk truck (Ainara got it, 4ª)
(3rd week)
I am an instrument that you can hear, but you can not touch or see me. What am I? The Voice (Juan got it, 3ª)
(4th week)
(4th week) and (1st week, March)
I start with the letter "e" and end with the letter "e" and i usually contain 1 letter, but I am not the letter "e"! What Am I? An envelope (Maria P. got it, 3º)
(2nd Week)
I have rivers, but don’t have water. I have forests, but no trees and animals. I have cities, but no people live in those cities. What am I? A map (Cristina got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? A Stamp (Raquel. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What month has 28 days? All months (Lucía got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What has one eye but can't see? An needle (Sergio got it, 4ª)
(2nd week)
I give milk and have a horn but I’m not a cow? Who am I? A milk truck (Ainara got it, 4ª)
(2nd week)
What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days? Letter "N" (Mª Victoria got it, 3ª)(3rd week)
I am an instrument that you can hear, but you can not touch or see me. What am I? The Voice (Juan got it, 3ª)
(4th week)
I look at you, you look at me. What is this object? A mirror (José Miguel got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What has four fingers and one thumb, but is not alive? The Gloves (Claudia got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
What's black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? A Blackboard (Izan got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What starts with a ‘P’, ends with an ‘E’ and has thousands of letters? A Post Office (Julia got it, 3º)(4th week) and (1st week, March)
You answer me, although never ask you questions. What am I? A telephone (Julia D. got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
We see it once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day. What is it? Letter "e" (Soledad got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What are two things you cannot eat for dinner? Breakfast and Lunch (Ainara got it, 4º)
(4th week)
What is so fragile that when you say it's name you break it? The silence
(Mª Ángeles got it, 4º)
Happy Easter !!
(2nd week)
I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? A candle (Ahinoa got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What building has a lot of stories? A library (Celia got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What’s full of holes but still holds water? A Sponge ( Álvaro F. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I? A frog ( Isabel got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What has one head, one foot and four legs? A bed ( Ángel P. got it, 3º)
(4th week)
Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house. What am I? Letter "r" (Ana got it, 4ª)
(2nd week)
We are a family of 12 members. I am the second. I am also the youngest in our family. Who am I? February (José Miguel got it, 3º)
The winner... next September !!
Happy Easter !!
(2nd week)
I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? A candle (Ahinoa got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
What building has a lot of stories? A library (Celia got it, 3º)
(4th week)
What has a foot but no legs? A snail (Marina got it, 4º)
(5th Week)What’s full of holes but still holds water? A Sponge ( Álvaro F. got it, 4º)
(1st week)
I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I? A frog ( Isabel got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
What has one head, one foot and four legs? A bed ( Ángel P. got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
What flies without wings? The time (Sergio A. got it, 4ª)(4th week)
I have eighty eight keys but cannot open a single door. What am I?. A piano (Helena got it, 3º)
(1st week)
(2nd week)
We are a family of 12 members. I am the second. I am also the youngest in our family. Who am I? February (José Miguel got it, 3º)
The winner... next September !!
(Only for 3º and 4º level)
(1st week)
I am hot. I live in the sky. I am bright. Don't look straight at me. I disappear in the night.
What am I? The Sun (Miriam got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I smell nice. I am beautiful. I come in many different colours. You can pick me. Don't forget to water me.
What am I? A Flower (Margarita got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
I have five wheels. You need a key for me. You can sit inside me. Don't make me go too fast. Please wear my belt. What am I? A Car (Alba M. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
I am in your body. I am red. I am the symbol for love. Blood pumps through me. Please don't break me.
What am I? A heart (Alba M. got it, 4º)
Riddles: (April)
(1st week)
I am circular. I go up and down. You can throw me and catch me. Be careful with me near windows.
What am I? A ball (Lucía L, got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
I cry a lot. I love milk. Everyone smiles at me. Please pick me up. I'm new to the world. What am I? A baby (Alba R. got it, 4º)
(3rd week)
blow air in me. I come in many colours. I'm a symbol of celebration.
Don't touch me with anything sharp. I only last a day or two. What am I? A Balloon (Alba M. got it, 4º)
Riddles: (May)
(1st week)
Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I? The fire (Alba M. got it, 4º)
Riddles: (May)
(1st week)
Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I? The fire (Alba M. got it, 4º)
(2nd week)
am paper's enemy. Keep me away from small children. You use me in art
class. I can change the style of your hair. Please don't run with me in
your hands. What am I? The scissors (Alba M and Miriam. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? 5 children (Elena P. got it, 3º)
(3rd week)
Timmy is with his mother. His mother has three children. The first is named April. The second is named May. What is the third name? Timmy (Alba M. got it, 4º)
(4th week)
Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? 5 children (Elena P. got it, 3º)
(1st week)
What has two hands, a round face, always runs, but stays in place? A clock (Ainara got it, 3º)
(2nd week)
Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Ainara got it, 3º)