6th level
Countable and Uncontable
Going to
Speaking :
Irregular adjetives (Comparative, Superlative)
Countable and Uncontable
- Complete
- Some or any (I)
- Some or any (II)
- Some or any (III)
- Some or any (IV)
- Do this sudoku with contable and uncountable nouns
- Complete
- What are they going to do?
- Complete the sentences
- Type the correct verb
- Put in order
- What is going to happen?
Speaking :
- Superlatives I
- Superlatives II
- Superlatives III
- Superlatives IV
- Superlatives V
- Superlatives VI
- Superlative VII
- Superlative quiz
Irregular adjetives (Comparative, Superlative)
Our solar system
The questions about this video I'll give you in class
The Past:
- Watch this video. I 'll give the questions in class
The sheet to work this video, I'll give you in class
Regular Verbs
- Regular verbs.
- Diagram of Regular verbs
- Do and print this crossword (Regular Verbs)
- Irregular verbs.
- Diagram of Irregular vebs
- Match the verbs: I - II - III - IV - V
- Write the past.
- Choose the correct form.
- Irregular verbs (SUDOKU)
- Irregular verbs (SUDOKU II)
- Watch this video (Regular Verbs)
Watch this video (Irregular Verbs)
Were you good at school?
What do you do?
Review the school
- My School: Crossword
Crosswords (Food and Drinks):
Watch the video and answer these questions:
In my free time
Adverbs of frequency
Make a sentence